Tuesday, May 26, 2009


He blows me kisses in public places
He helps me cook..and clean!
He sends random messages throughout
the day to tell me he is thinkin about me.
He NEVER forgets to say sweet dreams before bed.
He never leaves me behind when were riding.
When he is tired he cuddles up really really tight.
He scratches my back without me even asking!
Gave up spring bear season this year to come see me.
Never forgets to thank me when i cook or clean for him.
Just stares at me and smiles, i dont have to ask "what" i
already know what he is thinkin.
He prioritized ME..then snowmobiling!!!
He let me sun tan on the 4 wheeler while he fixed fence!
He always mouths "i love you" in a crowd of poeple.
happy Pictures, Images and Photos

Monday, May 25, 2009

Sand Dunes 09'

We took the annual trip to the sand dunes for Memorial day this year... it was a blast. This is a pic of the new toy:) we spend three days in the sand a shower never felt so good !!! The best part of the wknd was nobody wrecked.....although we did keep lifeflight on speed dial!

Friday, May 22, 2009

He's my country boy Pictures, Images and Photos

Branding at the Brays

We spent last wknd branding all of Nene's calves...it was quite the experience! Had roped while i helped wrestle..... This is Hadleys friend Ryan who drove down from Casper to help out.

Thursday, May 21, 2009


* My Golden Vegas Birthday *
This is Hadley and i in Vegas for my golden 26th birthday, we had a great time!!!
Had played all the slots he could get his hands on ( and came out ahead) and i got plenty of time by the pool! This was my birthday dinner with our group of 9 friends that came to celebrate...and that we did. We took full advantage of the city that never sleeps!
